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HonorHealth Desert Mission
Bottled Water Drive

Desert Mission Bottled Water Drive

This summer is on track to be the hottest ever in Arizona. Heat-related illness and deaths are projected to be on the rise. The vulnerable in our community need you!

Keep those in need stay safe this summer with your tax-deductible gift to the HonorHealth Desert Mission Bottled Water Drive.

Our goal is to raise funds to provide 50,000 bottles of water before the end of June and you can help.

    • $5 will help provide water to 20 people
    • $25 will help provide water to 100 people
    • $50 will help provide water to 200 people
    • $100 will help provide water to 400 people
    • $250 will help provide water to 1,000 people

Your gift will help save a life. Give today as generously as you can.