b'Drug Development Scholars Pushthe Boundariesof Treatment forRare MelanomaUveal melanoma is a rare cancer of the eyethat when left untreated to metastasize, is usually fatal. As with many rare cancers, getting a timely diagnosis and expert treatment can be a challenge.Through the generosity of Laurie and Drew Brown and the Brown Family Fund for Arizonas Future, the Institutes Drug Development Scholarship program is training the next generation of cancer researchers, preparing them to push the boundaries of conditions such as uveal melanomaand give patients new options for care. In fact, HRI 2is one of the few sites in the Southwest with a program in thisWe are moving into an erarare cancer.of preventative medicineIn his role as HRI 2 s Drug Development Scholar, and away from reactionaryJustin Moser, MD, now an Associate Clinical Investigator, developed a novel blood-based medicine. By utilizing abiomarker for detecting uveal melanoma and multidisciplinary team, ourmonitoring patients with the cancer. He also worked with oncology-trained ophthalmologists Early Detection Program isin the Valley to grow a comprehensive uveal melanoma program that reduces time to offering a comprehensivediagnosis and provides complete, expert care for program to detect pancreaticpatients with all stages of uveal melanoma. cancer early. We hope thatDr. Gehan Botrus now serves as the HRI 2Drug Development Scholar, with a particular focus with the development ofon minorities and health disparities in oncology newer molecular techniques,and will continue the work started by Dr. Moser. Through these collaborative research programs we will be able to bring this toand clinical trials, HRI 2is finding new and better people who may be at risk fortreatments that give patientseven those withrare cancersnew hope. other cancers and diseases. ERKUT BORAZANCI, MD, MS10 HonorHealth Foundation'