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HonorHealth Military PartnershipImpact Report | Military Partnership

Your generosity fuels hope, healing and hands-on patient care training

We’re using your transformational investment to improve, extend and save lives

Because of you, HonorHealth is the only community-based hospital in the country to provide realistic, high-quality trauma medical training to military nurses and medics as well as local first responders. And thanks to you, we offer this live-saving training at no charge!

Your gift to the HonorHealth Military Partnership provides these dedicated service members with the training they need to dramatically improve the chances of survival for seriously injured soldiers and civilians.

And for that, we thank you!

Download the Military Partnership Impact Report (PDF format)
HonorHealth Foundation Military Partnership 2022 Impact Report 

Military Partnership“I learn something new every time I come to your course. K9 training was a fantastic addition! Thank you for the wonderful training and for a great learning environment. Keep up the growth and hard work. Many don’t realize how valuable this training is. These skills WILL save lives!”

— Military Partnership participant

Military PartnerhshipYour philanthropy makes a difference when and where it's needed most

Military Partnership

Medical training is only available at a limited number of facilities — and to a limited number of military personnel. Today’s military branches simply cannot accommodate all who need to be trained.

Your support of HonorHealth’s Military Partnership program fulfills this vital need for both military personnel and local first responders to maintain their certifications and stay on top of evolving treatment protocols.

Imagine being in a dusty military field hospital thousands of miles from home, charged with caring for the traumatically wounded. Back home you were an office worker; here you are a field medic, and your training prior to deployment included little hands-on experience in treating trauma injuries.

You are shocked by what you see, what you hear, and what you must do. The transition to trauma care is more difficult than imagined, and when every second counts, any delay or confusion can lead to poor outcomes for the injured, even death.

HonorHealth has stepped up to provide realistic, high-quality trauma training for our military medical personnel. Our goal is to prepare those triaging the injured to perform at their optimal level while under pressure, to ensure more of our military men and women make it home.

Since 2004, HonorHealth Military Partnership has trained thousands of military personnel, law enforcement and first responders. Locally, our police officer participants have reported that 11 lives have been saved in the field due to the skills they learned here since that time.

The cost per person trained is about $3,000, but because of you, the program is offered at no cost to the military or to individual participants!

Military PartnershipMilitary Partnership training includes:

  • Advanced practical learning with high-tech, lifelike human patient simulators called manikins
  • Real-life experience during clinical rotations, at our six hospitals, including three Level I Trauma Centers
  • Simulation training rooms, including one set up as a battlefield medical aid station
  • Readiness Skill Sustainment Training for any military medical personnel
  • Exposure to burn trauma management through a Valley burn center
  • K-9 trauma care for our loyal four-legged soldiers and officers

What our heroes are saying about the program

  • “Thank you! Please keep this going. Important life-saving skills and information.”
  • “As a first responder, I will be better prepared in the future to further assist with the medical calls I respond to. Thank you.”
  • “Thank you! Great tools! Please continue to support this endeavor! You save lives!”
  • “Thank you for providing this education to rural departments!”
  • “Thank you so much for making this class possible. I am confident it will save lives.”

Download the Military Partnership Impact Report (PDF format)