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Tribute Gifts in Honor or Memory of Someone Special

Gifts In Honor of Someone

A donation to advance health and wellbeing is a meaningful tribute to someone special. A gift to HonorHealth Foundation is the perfect way to recognize the care received at HonorHealth, to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, retirement or other major life event. 

When you make a tribute gift, HonorHealth Foundation will notify the person you indicate, providing your name but not the amount of your gift. You will receive a prompt letter that includes your tax receipt.

Gifts In Memory of Someone

To Make a Memorial Gift
A philanthropic gift to HonorHealth Foundation is a meaningful way to pay tribute to the life of someone special who has passed. Donations memorialize a life well lived and extend their legacy through the programs and services of HonorHealth.

When you make a memorial gift, HonorHealth Foundation will notify the family member you indicate, providing your name but not the amount of your gift. You will receive a prompt letter that includes your tax receipt.

To Suggest a Memorial Gift
When someone passes, loved ones, friends and colleagues want to express their affection. If you would like to suggest memorial gifts to HonorHealth Foundation in memory of your loved one, you may include this message in their obituary:

In lieu of flowers, gifts in memory of [loved one’s name] may be directed to HonorHealth Foundation at

If you would like assistance with a more personal memorial message or describing a specific HonorHealth program that is important to your family, we would be honored to help. Please contact HonorHealth Foundation at or 480-587-5000.