b'Celebrating70 YearsHONORHEALTH JOHN C. LINCOLN MEDICAL CENTERJ ohn C. Lincoln Medical Center has stood in the gap, providing life-saving care to a grateful community since 1954. But its roots run far deeper, first as a desert outpost providing food and medicine to the poor, to a hospital widely honored for its life-saving care.1933John C. and Helen Lincoln had seen first-hand the value of high-quality medical care in their new desert home. 1927 As Helen recovered from tuberculosis, the Lincolns As people migrated to the Phoenixbecame involved in area seeking a cure for their respiratoryDesert Mission and made illnesses, those without resourcesthe initial charitable gift camped in the desert north of the Valley.toward the purchase To ease their suffering, volunteersof 20 acres of land brought them food and medicine.that would eventually This community of service and caringbecome John C. Lincoln became Desert Mission, which grewHospital.to offer a medical clinic, food pantry, preschool, chapel and library.10 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'