b'A JourneyHopeofand ResilienceH OWO N EW O M A NSCO U R AG EA N DD E T E R M I N AT I O N T R A N S F O R M E DH E RB AT T L EW I T HB R E A S TC A N C E RI N T O AS T O RYO FS T R E N G T H ,L OV EA N DS E R V I C EF or Mary Crowder, a breast cancer diagnosisNear the end of Marys 8th grade year, her dad was was not just a medical hurdle but adiagnosed with stomach cancer. He had a radical surgery that was thought to have gotten it all. But by the end of profound test of her spirit. As she navigatedher junior year of high school, her dads cancer was back the trials of treatment and the triumphs of recovery,and had spread to his liver.Mary emerged not only as a survivor but as anMichael and Mary both went on to graduate from the inspiration to others fighting battles of their own. University of Rochester as their mom and dad battled his disease together. The cancer spread to her dads lung and then his brain. The doctors told her parents that he Mary grew up in a loving family in the suburbs ofhad about six weeks to live. His defiant response: That Syracuse, New York.She is the middle of three childrendidnt work!to her parents, Lou Anne and John, with an older brother, Michael and younger sister, Michelle. Michael was graduating from Columbia Law School the same week that Mary was graduating from the University Cancer was always front-and-center in Marys world, butof Rochester. Their father said he was going to be there breast cancer was the one she didnt think she needed tofor both ceremonies. And he was.worry about, as there was no family history of that particular diagnosis. However, her little sister was diagnosed withHe tried every experimental treatment and valiantly leukemia at 16 months old. The entire family stood bywatched his children receive their diplomas. John died her side as they watched her go in and out of remission.surrounded by his loving family, not long after turningThrough spinal taps and bone marrow transfusions,50 years old.Michelle was a champion; always making Mary and her brother laugh, knowing how sad they really were. Mary felt the weight of loss surrounding her.The Northeast was such a sad place, so she madeMichelle fought bravely until she lost her battle at onlythe decision to move west to Arizona, armed with afive-and-a-half years old. It was a painful time of grief thattwo-year plan for graduate school followed by aunderstandably affected the entire family. return to Syracuse.4 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'