b'Physicians Reflect on Patient Care and GratitudeGratitude is the language of the heart and the Foundation is grateful to work in tandem with physicians to accelerate medical breakthroughs and improve patient outcomes. It is a partnership that blends donor generosity and medical innovation to achieve transformation. Physicians were asked what they are grateful for with their work at HonorHealth. Their words are inspirational as is their drive to create a community where health and vitality thrive.I am grateful to work with a teamI am grateful for the amazingI am impressed with the of other committed, skilled andwork, trust and support of mycollaboration between the well-meaning cardiac doctors andcolleagues and team over thephysicians, administration and nurses that bring their best everylast 18 months. Pulling togetherthe Honor Health Foundation. day to the bedside. has sustained us all during theseThis environment allows us I am grateful to work with anunprecedented challenges. I alsoto focus on optimal patient elite group of doctors and nurseshave been incredibly touched bycare and worry less about any to deliver cardio-obstetric care tothe outreach and caring of ourobstacles in our practice.high-risk pregnancy patients atpatients expressing their continuedKris Samaddar, MDHonor Health Shea. I enjoy beinggratitude to HonorHealth. ManyChief of Staffpart of the positive experience forcoming in for care, but also askingHonorHealth Networkhow we are holding up and how we mom and baby. are doing? I am so thankful for that I am grateful I am askedcommunity support.by patients to see their familyTiffany Pankow, MDmembers because they have had aAssociate Chief Medical Officer great experience at HonorHealthPrimary Carewithin the cardiac services. Family MedicineI am grateful to work withHonorHealthpharmacists that help manage my chronic Coumadin patients.Christina Reuss, MDCardiologyHonorHealthHonorHealth Foundation Magazine 13'