b'A Legacy of GenerosityThe Nicholas Quest to Heal HeartsP hoenix philanthropists Michael andHonorHealth doctors are just always there and Priscilla Nicholas havent experienced anyalways concerned, she says. Whether it was significant heart-related health incidents,when my daughter took her daughters in when but theyve put significant heart behind athey were young for colds or when Michael was $1 million donation in support of the HonorHealthvery ill in California and they helped us get him Cardiovascular Center of Excellence. back home to finish his treatments hereyou can Although Priscilla is active in volunteeringalways count on them.to advance heart care and education as wellThe couple also were drawn to the project as other healthcare issues, Michael who is abecause of the involvement of their cardiologist, member of the HonorHealth Board of Trustees,Maulik Shah, MD, FACC, FSCAI, executive says hes not a big joiner. Thats one reason whydirector of the Cardiovascular Center of being able to give brings him joy. Excellence. Both have been very impressed by Its our pleasure to give, Michael says, and itsthe time and concern Dr. Shah gives each patient an honor to be able to do it to show our gratitudeand by the efforts he and his team have made in for what HonorHealth has given us. building a world-class cardiovascular program.The Nicholas generous lead gift will help support the development of the expanded electrophysiology lab at HonorHealth Scottsdale Weve always told our children and Shea Medical Center. Michael says they chose that specific project for a couple of reasons. grandchildren the same thing: Weve been looking for something to do for a few years, Michael explains, and this justThey need to give back, Priscilla says. seemed like the right opportunity. Hopefully this is directing our donation somewhere where it may help us in the future or help our family, and it will certainly help the community. With the establishment of the Nicholas Family The Nicholases wanted to show theirFoundation, Michael and Priscilla have paved the appreciation for the hospital that has always beenway for their children and grandchildren to follow there for them and their family when they neededin their philanthropic footsteps. Its a legacy theyve it, including their children and grandchildren. been building since their daughters were young.Although HonorHealth has a reputation as a leaderWeve always told our children and in research and innovation, Priscilla believes its thegrandchildren the same thing: They need to give care and compassion that physicians show everyback, Priscilla says. If you start out young, you patient that really sets HonorHealth apart fromcan do it in a small way. There are always people other healthcare providers in the Valley. who need your support.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 9'