b'Donor SpotlightSupport for the Cancer JourneyMidFirst Bank Ensures Personal Support for HonorHealth Cancer PatientsM idFirst Bank is a valued community partner, supporting the HonorHealth Virginia G. Piper Cancer Care Centers community programs. Since 2021, they have supported HonorHealth cancer patients with donations designated to Health and Nutrition Services, Community Education and Outreach, and the Body, Mind, Spirit programs. Friends and walkers joined Diedre Alexander Each month, this affinity program(with tiara) for her Match Walk in September.delivers a check to HonorHealth Foundation representing aMeet Diedre Alexanderpercentage of purchases on the MidFirst Bank Pink Debit Card. A Cancer DiagnosisThe consistent commitment really adds up,Mobilizes Community Givingsays Jared A. Langkilde, president and CEO,Diedre Alexander considers her positive HonorHealth Foundation. MidFirst giving nowattitude the best tool to fight her stage IV totals more than $350,000! colon cancer. Its also one of the first things you notice when you meet her.Diedre Alexander is just one patient who needed these services during her long battle with stage IVQ: How do you maintain such a positive colon cancer. attitude during such a challenging time in your life?The nutrition classes, physical therapy and the Body,A: Research has shown that the most common Mind, Spirit programs helped me maintain a positivefactor among cancer survivors is a positive attitude and to do the things I could do to supportattitude. I have many people asking me how I my treatment, recalls Diedre. She found that yogamanage to keep a positive attitude throughout continued on page 18 continued on page 18HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 17'