b'An important part of HonorHealthsRahul N. Doshi, MD, FHRS, FACC, (center) HonorHealth Cardiovascular Center of Excellence future will be specialty cardiovascularChief of Complex Arrhythmia Management, with members of the electrophysiology teamclinics to care for women. and the high-risk Native American and AsianInterventional Care Reduces Risk, Improves OutcomesAmerican communities. Another cardiovascular subspecialty where HonorHealth excels is interventional cardiology. David G. Rizik, MD, chief of complex interventional cardiology, leads the team that diagnoses and treats a variety of heart conditions using minimally invasive, catheter-based techniques and specialized imaging.Success drives success, Dr. Shah is fond of saying.Innovation has enabled us to replace many open-With our current accomplishments weve been ablechest, open-heart surgeries with interventional to recruit highly skilled physicians in the areas oftechniques, says Dr. Rizik, who performs heart care that are most in demand. procedures such as coronary angioplasty and In two of the fastest growing areas within cardiacstenting, cardiac catheterization, transcatheter careelectrophysiology and vascular surgery aortic and mitral valve replacement procedures, HonorHealth has attracted and recruited nationallytranscatheter mitral valve repair and catheter-based recognized leaders. Venkatesh G. Ramaiah, MD,treatment for chronic heart diseases.serves as the chief of complex vascular servicesFor patients, that means reduced risk of and quickly details the hallmarks of a center ofcomplications, less pain and scarring and a faster excellence: recovery time when compared to traditional open-You have to have the technology and talent toheart surgery.perform complex procedures well. You have toWith the right team, the right technology, the right innovate new techniques. And you have to advanceenvironment, we believe the next quantum leap knowledge for all through conference presentationsforward in cardiovascular care could originate right and publications. here at HonorHealth, notes Dr. Rizik.6 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'