b'Advanced technology helps monitor patients vitals throughout the procedure.This program is designed to supply an exceptionally high concentration of expertise and related resources centered on delivering care in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary fashion to afford Instead of a four-hour Whipplethe best possible patient outcomes.surgery that would requireThis will be the first-of-its-kind facility in Arizona, states Jared A. Langkilde, President and CEO of cutting into the body, a recentHonorHealth Foundation. The Center will give HonorHealth the ability to assemble world class patient underwent an outpatientexpertise, technology and tools to diagnose and treat diseasestypically beyond the scope of endoscopic procedure that burnedregular endoscopic techniques.away the tumor in just 30 minutes. With the creation of this new center, clinical outcomes are expected to meet or exceed national benchmarks through this unique, Most of us have heard the word before, but whatmultidisciplinary approach to patient care.exactly is endoscopy? The simple definition is,Our vision is always exceptional patient care A procedure used in medicine to look insidefirstin this case, faster recovery times, states the body. The procedure uses a thin, flexibleDr. Thosani. But how powerful would it be endoscope, fitted with a fiberoptic camera andto have our very own community hospital be light, to examine the interior of a hollow organTHE place to go for the most comprehensive, or cavity of the body, such as the esophagus,minimally invasive care, whether it is for an stomach, small intestine, or upper digestiveadvanced gastrointestinal issue, pancreatic track. The benefit to patients includes a low-riskchallenges or malignancies?procedure with less down time.Dr. Thosani will tell you about a recent surgery According to the Centers for Disease Controlhe performed on a 25-year-old suffering from (CDC), about six-in-10 adults in the U.S. havean insulinoma tumor. Instead of a four-hour a chronic disease. HonorHealth currentlyWhipple surgery that would require cutting into performs several endoscopic procedures, butthe body, the patient underwent an outpatient the rapid progress by healthcare providers toendoscopic procedure that burned away the introduce minimally invasive surgeries for bettertumor in just 30 minutes.post-clinical outcomes is expected to drive an expansive adoption of endoscopy procedures.This patient received life-altering care without Enter the future HonorHealth Center forthe down time of traditional surgery, remarks Interventional Endoscopy. Dr. Thosani.12 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'