b'CONCUSSIONS BY THE NUMBERSThe Need for Sports Medicine Care for Our ChildrenToday, up to 3.8 million Gayle Cassidy, Associate Vice President of Orthopedicssports-related concussions and Sports Medicine at HonorHealth. We can reach aoccur in the U.S. every yearlarger number of student athletes with a mobile unit, and it is more convenient for the community. Half of all concussions go undiagnosedGRASSROOT PARTNERSHIPSEvery year, one out of FOR GREATER CARE Other key components of the community outreach willevery five athletes who include pre-participation physical exams for studentparticipate in contact sports athletes, performed by medical professionals andwill get a concussionphysicians trained in sports medicine. HonorHealthTwenty-one percent of will continue to advance these comprehensiveyouth concussions happen physical exams by incorporating the use of EKG andduring an athletic eventEchocardiogram machines to screen young athletes for heart problems. They will also continue to developBaseline testing allows grassroots partnerships to provide life-saving AEDfor more accurate post-devices to athletic programs in our community. injury evaluation, and recovery trackingHonorHealth Sports Medicine is comprised of a comprehensive group of sports medicine specialized providers. They include fellowship trained family medicine physicians, athletic trainers providing medical care both on and off the fields of our local high schools, board-certified orthopedic and cardiology physicians,Doors are scheduled to open in 2024.and even sports and athletic performance trainersFor more information, contact your Gift Officer who create individual programs for sport-specificor the Foundation at 480-587-5000.performance and injury prevention. Together, this experienced and engaged group of providers will offer targeted care to our entire community.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 15'