b'EventsHonorHealth Foundations 2nd Annual Morning of Gold, O ur fundraising events notbenefitting the programs and services of Desert Mission, will be held on October 24 at the Arizona Biltmore Resort.only help raise proceeds forThe event will feature Park Howell, the worlds most industrious storyteller, along with American James critical programs, but offer a feel-goodBeard Award-winning chef and restaurateur, Chris Bianco. Both will speak on Food is Medicine that links experience where donors learn morenutrition and healthcare.about the programs they support and thePlease join us as we continue to make a difference in the lives of our most at-risk neighbors! Youll learn more about positive impact they create for patientsDesert Mission and meet our clients who are thriving, with and their families. the support of our generous community.So, please SAVE THE DATE for the following signature events.For more information or to sponsor,visit HonorHealthFoundation.org/DMBreakfast22 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'