b'SportsTHE ROLE OFMedicineWeekend warriors to professional athletes benefit from specialized careA s athletic participation and thetraining, along with a robust community outreach recognition of physical activity for better health continue to grow, so does the need for sports medicine specialists. Sports medicine has been around for decades for the treatment of professional athletes, but today,initiative focused on education and the delivery of even recreational and amateur athletes benefit fromlife-saving devices for schools.the specific care provided by a coordinated team approach to sports injuries. This new offering for HonorHealth is an example of how we are furthering our mission to improve Many sports-related injuries are caused suddenly bythe health and well-being of those we serve, states an event or wrong move, but countless sports-relatedTodd LaPorte, CEO of HonorHealth. Outside of injuries are chronic and develop gradually over timehospital walls where people live and play.from overuse or repetitive movements. The circle of care for anyone healing from a sports-related injuryBeyond on-site comprehensive care, a priority is is specific and typically involves a multi-disciplinaryconcussion diagnostics and care for the Valleys approach including sports medicine, orthopedics,robust active and athletic community, with a cardiology, neurology, sports psychology, physicalparticular emphasis on high school athletes. therapy, strength and conditioning, nutrition andFocusing on their partnerships with Scottsdale return-to-play guidance for whole-person care. Unified School District, Cactus Shadows High School CARE OUTSIDE HOSPITAL WALLS (Cave Creek Unified School District) and others, the vision for HonorHealths Sports Medicine program HonorHealth is building the first medical campus ofincludes an on-site concussion clinic, but also mobile its kind in the southwest region, bringing togetherunits that will offer baseline testing, including both a unique combination of outpatient care for ourcognitive and balance assessments, for improved community. This new campus at Pima Center willconcussion diagnosis and care. This level of care feature a dedicated Sports Medicine program thatwill ensure safe return-to-play following an injury, assembles world-class expertise and technology forthus delivering a full spectrum of care for athletes a new, comprehensive approach to sports-relatedsuffering from concussions.injuries and illnesses. While still in the beginning stages, the strategic vision is to offer assessmentsMobile units are key because with concussion and screenings, diagnosis and treatment, therapytreatment, it is best if we are able to meet the athletes and rehabilitation, performance assessment andwhere they are for the baseline assessment, states 14 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'