b'PILLARBringing Tomorrows CuresRESEARCH INSTITUTE TO OUR COMMUNITY TODAYHonorHealth Research Institute (HRI) combines world-class care and groundbreaking research to improve, extend and save lives. Home to some of the nations foremost investigatorswho are both compassionate physicians and dedicated scientiststhey push thePhilanthropist boundaries of medical knowledge every day, embracing collaborationFuels Fight and innovation to develop new treatments, therapies, techniques andAgainst technologies.Cancer and Powered by philanthropy, HonorHealth Research Institute givesCOVID-19 patients access to the latest medical advances, whether they are facingJohn Fick didnt just want to give a gift to cancer, cardiovascular disease,support HonorHealth. He wanted to give neurological conditions, traumatica gift where it was needed most. injuries or other medical challenges.His philanthropy is accomplishing precisely that, A research program this robust is rarely found at a community hospitalhelping to fight cancer as well as COVID-19.system such as HonorHealth. WeMr. Fick created a charitable gift annuity that have chosen to lead, says Markbenefits HonorHealth Research Institutes cancer Slater, PhD, vice president of researchclinical trials program. His generosity was inspired and chief executive of the Institute.Patients benefit from HonorHealthby the loss of his wife to lung cancer several years Research Institutes first-in-humanago as well as a more recent tour of the Institute.clinical trials. These studies have beenDuring the tour, HonorHealth Research Institute key to FDA approval of more than twoleaders impressed us with the breadth and depth dozen new cancer treatments andof their research projects, says Mr. Fick. I was have contributed to the FDA approvalespecially struck with the positive and upbeat of several cardiovascular devices andatmosphere throughout the entire facility.treatments. Our experts are tackling Alzheimers and Parkinsons throughIn a timely move, half of Mr. Ficks charitable gift a novel early detection program andannuity supports HonorHealth Foundations Greatest working to improve the treatment andNeeds Fund, which was instrumental in enabling care of stroke patients.HonorHealth to nimbly serve the community when the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic hit. There was an overwhelming need for equipment and resources, Mr. Fick says, proud to help HonorHealth meet that need. There are plenty of places to give. But Im impressed with those at HonorHealth. They handle all my medical needs and Im grateful for their care. Its a natural fit and Im glad to support them. 8 HonorHealth Foundation'