b'NOAH IS TransformingCOMMUNITY HEALTHITS ALL SMILES Delta Dental of Arizona Makes Grant to Treat Oral Health in Uninsured PatientsDelta Dental of Arizona has partnered with HonorHealths Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health (NOAH) to fund expert emergency dental treatment at NOAH for uninsured patients who visit HonorHealth emergency departments with dental issues. The new Delta Dental of Arizona Dental Connect program Improving Accessis made possible by a $525,000 grant to HonorHealth Foundation. The vision of the partnership is to improve the to Medical Care foroverall health in the community through effective oral care.Vulnerable Neighbors Patients experiencing a dental crisis usually come to Neighborhood Outreach Access to Healththe emergency department as a last resort, and with at (NOAH) serves more than 40,000 individualsleast oneand usually moredental issues. These issues every year with comprehensive, affordablecan be causing severe pain, impacting other areas of a healthcare services at its nine locationspatients health, and probably interfering with their day-throughout Maricopa County. to-day life, says Wendy Armendariz, NOAH CEO. NOAH also features four full-service dentalGoals of the Dental Connect program are to lower dental-clinics, providing comprehensive exams,related visits to HonorHealth emergency departments by pediatric dentistry, regular and deepmanaging dental issues early and increasing the number cleanings, extractions and more.of patients with a regular dental home at NOAH.Our commitment to providing health servicesAs a nonprofit, community-based hospital system, where they are needed most is evident nowthis gift not only helps us provide exceptional care, it more than ever. Our community is strongerdrives healthcare transformation by bringing services when our children are healthy and ready totogether to help people when they need it most. learn in school, and when adults are healthyDelta Dental of Arizona has been a generous donor and and ready to succeed in the workplace and at home with their families, says Wendypartner to HonorHealth Foundation. The impact of their Armendariz, NOAH CEO. gift touches the very heart of our mission to advance health and well-being for all, says Allan Allford, DDAZ President and CEO, who sees the program as a perfect fit. Our driving force is to improve lives by promoting optimal oral health. We are all in this together.HonorHealth Foundation 37 HonorHealth Foundation 37'