b'Here are just a few of the many kindexpressions of support:Even the most basic Personal Protective Equipment was in short supply during COVID. Donors sourced and provided vital supplieslike masks, gowns and gloves for our team,as well as hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies.Thanks to our donors, HonorHealth has the largest fleet of germ-zapping robots in the country. Powerful bursts of UV light clean an entire room in minutes, killing the novel coronavirus and other harmful bugs.Potentially life-threatening germs can lurk on mobile equipment like wheelchairs, monitors orIV poles. Donor-funded disinfecting pods allow us to easily disinfect these germ-carrying items, reducing virus spread.At key hospital locations, digital feverscanning systems displayed thermal and color imaging to instantly identify and isolate anyoneSince the first days of COVID-19, we all with a fever, protecting caregivers, patients andgained a greater appreciation for the their loved ones. vital contributions of front-line healthcare When COVID-19 came knocking on ourworkers. Community members andbusinesses have generously stepped door, more than 100 neighboring restaurants,up to support HonorHealth. In-kind businesses and organizations answered bydonations have fueled our team with food delivering thousands of meals, snacks, coffeeand, just as importantly, encouraged and other gifts-in-kind to sustain our staff,them during this extended pandemic. reaching through barriers of gowns and masksto touch our hearts. Unprecedented donor generosity has also An anonymous donor was moved to meethelped fund critical needs and sustainedmany clinical and community programs that the most basic needs by underwriting gourmetgrab-and-go meals for hospital staff. Hisour patients still needed, despite a pandemic. generous financial commitment was matchedWe are incredibly grateful that this by a grant from the Virginia G. Piper Charitablecommunity believes in our mission and Trust, enabling the Foundation to expand thisgives from the heart to help us advance the unique care for front-line caregivers. Togetherhealth and well-being of our community.they funded more than 200,000 meals during the Todd LaPorte, CEO, HonorHealthheight of the pandemic. HonorHealth leadership made significant personal donations to the Employee Crisis Assistance Fund to provide financial relief grants for nearly 100 employees adversely affected by the pandemic. When the promise of a vaccine was jeopardized by deep-freeze storage requirements, the city of Scottsdale stepped forward and funded four industrial freezers, opening the door to launch vaccinations in the Valley.HonorHealth Foundation 3'