b'Amidst a pandemic that ravaged healthcare foundations across the country, our community of donors displayed genuine care that touched us deeply. From the earliest days of the pandemic the outpouring of gifts and gifts-in-kind helped to support and sustain our local community healthcare system.Challenge & ChangeA YEAR OF A Messagefrom our President & CEOIt has been a sincere privilege to work alongside our talented staffA Message and dedicated Trustees over the past year. Together we exceededfrom our the Foundations 2020 goals, raising $55.4 million in gifts and grants. As a result, we Board Chairwere able to distribute a record-breaking $26.37 million HonorHealth Foundation is to HonorHealth when our non-profit, community-basedgoverned by a dedicated health system needed it most.board of Trustees As you will see in this report, HonorHealth Foundationaccomplished community plays an important role at HonorHealth. We help donorsleaders and generous make an impact by funding critical programs, servicesdonors. Most of us have and campuses throughout our organization. We investbeen patients at HonorHealth at one time or another every gift in our mission to transform the health and and were so impressed that we wanted to commitwell-being of the communities we serve.our own resources to its mission. Looking ahead, I could not be more excitedor grateful.We serve with a tremendous sense of urgency. We see With you standing by us, supporting us, we will continueopportunities to move beyond mere treatments or to link generous donors with the unbelievable brainlife-long drug regimens to develop new options and power, skill and passion at HonorHealth. Philanthropyprovide personalized support for healthy living. truly has the power to change the future and make theI want to personally thank my fellow Trustees for seemingly impossible possible! their many contributions to last years success. Each With gratitude, one provides guidance and sound fiscal oversight that helps secure the future of healthcare in our community. They ensure that HonorHealth Foundation is ready to meet the challenges of whatever the year may bring. And thank you to all of you who made Jared A. Langkilde, MBA, CFREdonations during this remarkable year. President & CEOSincerely,David J. Watson Chair, 2020-22 Board of TrusteesHonorHealth Foundation 1'