b' Rhonda and Tom began the process to integrate Call it great timing orstrong, independent systems into a new organization that would provide the highest destiny but the mergerquality care and patient experience in the Valley with the best people, and processes, fueled in partby philanthropy.took just 11 months to complete. A partnershipCall it great timing or destiny but the merger took just 11 months to complete and in 2014 with purpose was born. the two hospitals became one system known as HonorHealth. A partnership with purpose was born.All of it felt natural. Tom and I had complementary skills as CEOs and our boards formed a great partnership, remarked Rhonda. It all came together to make our vision a reality.Tom agrees.You cant underestimate the importance of chemistry between CEOs and board chairs when going through a merger.Nearly ten years have passed since the merger. Tom would become CEO of HonorHealth with Rhonda Rhonda Forsyth,Tom Sadvary, former president offormer CEO of HonorHealth HonorHealthBoth CEOs strongly believed that you cant create a great organization without great patient care, helping the vulnerable, a commitment to excellence and a culture that promotes great patient experiences.One of the unique strengths of John C. Lincoln Health Network (JCL) was that it had a large primary care physicians group that partnered with the specialists who practiced in the hospitals and the community. This results in a system that supported the full continuum of care.As Rhonda tell us, We started our partnership with primarycare physicians back in the 1990s through an accountable care organization that enabled us to contract together with insurance plans to manage health. This eventually evolved to partnerships with doctors who wanted a closerThe chemistry between relationship with JCL and so the John C. Lincoln Physician Group was formed. This was unique to Arizona at the time. leadership and the 12 In 2012, when strategic talks began with Board membersboard is critical to a about how to merge Scottsdale Healthcare and John C. Lincoln Health Network, the vision of a new communitysuccessful merger.hospital system emerged. With a focus on a strong physician network and a more comprehensive system, HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'