b'taking on the role of president. Both willingly talk of the enormous resilience and teamwork needed to combine systems but do so with pride in their voices for the collective commitment and individual action to build a dynamic new healthcare offering for the Valley.The impact of the merger on philanthropic support for healthcare innovation and workforce development cannot be overstated. With the shared history of the two systems, HonorHealth Foundation was created by the parallel merger of Scottsdale Healthcare Foundation and the John C. Lincoln Network Foundation and is now celebrating 40 years of community philanthropy. Collectively, the Foundation has raised more than $610 million to invest in community healthcare, support for vulnerable families and innovative care programs. I felt strongly that I didnt want a career 2.0. There were a lot of things I hadnt done in life or had given up because HonorHealth does so many things well. The innovationof career and other commitments, so when I retired, I continues. For instance, Blue Zones. And the expansiondecided to experience life differently. I opted to go from of services outside of a hospital in order to promote well- one watching the arts to one creating the arts.being in advance of acute care needs, states Tom. Access points, primary care, outpatient, etc., are critical to a high- Her current passion is learning the art of pottery. performing and community health system. A completeRhonda and her husband Chris now travel extensively, network doesnt diminish the need for a hospitalit helpswith a two-month trip to Spain that just ended in June. to serve patients at the right place and in the right timeHelping to build HonorHealth brings me so much giving care where most convenient and effective. pride. I am extremely proud of how I merged the Tom also expands on how proud he is of helping to developsystems of the two organizations and of what it has the oncology service line. His work in connecting a team ofbecome. It continues to evolve and do so many things great oncologists, along with nurturing the HonorHealthwell, such as its hybrid ER/urgent care model, which Research Institute, are career highlights.makes healthcare faster and more economical for patients, says Rhonda. Alsothe culture. Todd is It is amazing to see the growth of total care offered todoing a great job. You cant get anything done without cancer patients. The personalized carefrom nutritionalhappy peopleits at the heart of what you do.counseling to wrap-around clinical care and support programs. I would put all of HonorHealths physicians upHonorHealth was and is the result of passionate against any healthcare system nationally. leadership committed to innovation, exceptional care and community goodwill. Honoring all those aspects, Tom retired as CEO in 2017 but continues to spend hiswith an extraordinary circle of visionary philanthropists, time making a difference through board service for manyempowers and generates exceptional service to so many. healthcare organizations in the Valley. He tells us he loves his new role as a board member and being on theThe legacy of care and community stewardship governance side helping build excellence in healthcare butthat Tom and Rhonda initiated has exponential in an advisory role. He and his wife Mary love to travel, hike,generational impact, states Todd LaPorte, CEO of spend time with the grandkids and listen to live music. TomHonorHealth. At the heart of their vision was doing is also learning pickleball. the best for others, not only patients, but staff, medical professionals, neighbors and visitors. The current Rhonda retired from HonorHealth in 2016 and made a newHonorHealth team is proud to carry on the tradition of career of pursing her passions.superior patient care and community engagement.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 13'