b'This was the challenge that compelled Kim and hersaid Darren Vinter, HonorHealths director of security. husband Doug to establish the Post Family WorkplaceThanks to the Post Family Workplace Safety Fund, Safety Fund through HonorHealth Foundation. Theythis proactive approach aims to create a secure wanted to be a part of something bigger, knowing thatand supportive environment for patient care while their contributions will continue to benefit the team andaddressing the evolving challenges related to safety in patients for years to come, leaving a lasting legacy ofhealthcare settings.safety and solace.This is just one phase of an overall plan to reduce the A true family effort, their goal is to ensure HonorHealthpotential for workplace violence within HonorHealth team members remain safe so they can continue toMedical Centers. The technology will enable security deliver exceptional care during a time of post-pandemicstaff to accurately screen individuals as they enter stresses and rising issues with patients, family membersfacilities; thereby reducing the risk of weapons being and visitors who often arrive battling substance abuse,utilized in the commission of crimes within our facilities.mental health conditions or other societal factors.In addition to leading operations across the entire This is a family fundmy entire family contributesorganization and championing this fund, Kim is also because together we want to make an impact, remarksfocused on creating a culture of philanthropy at Kim. Our most precious resource for providingHonorHealth, where every employee is moved to exceptional care is our staff. They make a biggergive back.difference than any bricks or mortar ever could. Investing in these areas will enhance safety for all whoPhilanthropy comes from the heart. If our staff choose work at HonorHealth. to give to the Post Family Workplace Safety Fund and invest in their fellow teammates, I would be honored, Addressing workplace violence is essential forbut ultimately employees should choose based on maintaining a safe and supportive environment forwhat moves them.healthcare professionals and those they serve. Up to62 percentof healthcare workers nationwide haveAfter decades of experience in a hospital environment, experienced workplace violence. Injuries to healthcareKim knows that one truth emerges resoundingly clear: professionals, both physically and psychologically, leadthe heart of healthcare beats strongest when safety is a to lost workdays, burnout and turnover. priority. It is the unwavering commitment to safety that guides every step, decision and interaction within the HonorHealth staff experience workplace violencewalls of every HonorHealth facility.every day given the unique challenges and nature of their profession. Through the Post Family WorkplaceThe Post family is a glowing example for us all Safety Fund, philanthropy has the power to createto embrace a renewed dedication to fostering positive change that supports preventive measuresenvironments where safety is not just a protocol, but an and critical initiatives to help address workplaceexpression of respect for all. Through the kindness and violence across our network. compassion that fuels this fund, healing flourishes and the seeds of hope take root, transforming the lives of This important new fund enables HonorHealth toour staff and all who turn to us for care.prioritize and quickly implement new safety initiatives. HonorHealth has already identified the need for weapons detection systems, de-escalation training, updates to access control and support for teamThank you to all of our donors who support members across the system. this fund and all of HonorHealths life-saving initiatives. For more information on the Post Weapons detection systems in particular helpFamily Workplace Safety Fund, please visit mitigate potential risks by identifying and preventingHonorHealth Foundation.org and click on unauthorized individuals from bringing dangerousways to give or call 480-587-5000.objects, such as firearms, into our healthcare facilities, HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 17'