b'A VISION FOR THE FUTUREThe LaPortes philanthropic endeavors are also a reflection A GROUNDBREAKING GIFT: of their family values. Kelly and Todd have instilled a spirit of REAL ESTATE FOR A CAUSE generosity in their children and grandchildren, encouraging In a notable first for HonorHealth Foundation, Kelly andthem to engage in philanthropy and make a difference in Todd decided to make a gift in the form of real estate their own ways. Sandis home. This decision was born from a unique opportunity that emerged during their estate planningWeve taught our kids to care deeply about others and to process. We didnt even realize it at first, Kelly explains.give back, Kelly says. Its about creating a legacy of giving When the idea of a real estate gift came up, we thoughtand finding joy in helping others.it was a perfect fit. We didnt know we were the first to doTheir approach to philanthropy is rooted in a belief that this, but it felt right. every act of kindness, no matter how small, can lead to This pioneering gift was not merely an investment butsignificant change. By setting an example through their own a strategic investment designed to create long-lastinggiving, the LaPortes hope to inspire others to find creative impact on well-being. The property, a single-family home,and meaningful ways to contribute to their communities.was sold and the proceeds were allocated to fund a three- THE IMPACT OF THEIR GIFTyear trial period to provide peritoneal dialysis cyclers and staff training across multiple hospital campuses.As Kelly and Todd reflect on their groundbreaking gift, they see it as more than just a financial contribution. It is a According to Pat Elder, vice president of planned giving,symbol of whats possible when personal experiences fuel a there are a number of reasons why people make gifts ofpassion for change. real estate to support the causes they care about. A few of the benefits of gifting real estate include: improvingKellys mother, Sandi may no longer be here, but her legacy liquidity by eliminating expenses normally associated withlives on through this project. property ownership; receiving an income tax deductionI believe my mom would be proud to know that her based on fair market value of the real estate and avoidingstruggle has led to something positivethat through her capital gains tax that you might owe upon selling. experience we could effect change so that those going A LEGACY OF COMPASSION AND INNOVATION through a similar health journey have more choices for their The LaPortes initiative is about more than just providingcare, Kelly reflects. Now there will be a peritoneal cycler medical equipment; its about creating a compassionateavailable at each campus and this simple resource addition support system for patients in need. My hope is thatwill greatly enhance patient care.this passion project will bring awareness and comfort toSTRAIGHT FROM THE HEARTpatients and their families, Kelly shares. I want it to beThe LaPortes story is a powerful reminder that philanthropy is easier for patients performing at-home dialysis to movenot just about giving money; its about giving from the heart. into an acute care setting when that time comes. PartTheir approach encourages us all to look for opportunities to of this three-year program includes nurse training formake a difference in our communities, to transform personal peritoneal dialysis so if they encounter this patient need challenges into acts of generosity and to create solutions that they can jump into action. address real needs.Kelly and Todds contribution is also a testament to theirAs we celebrate Kelly and Todds visionary gift, let us be broader philanthropic philosophy. Both have a long historyinspired by their example. In every community, there are gaps of giving, driven by a deep-seeded belief in addressingwaiting to be filled and challenges waiting to be addressed. urgent community needs. In this case, their personal experience combined with proactive philanthropyIn the end, it is not the scale of the gift that matters but the resulted in championing a community health cause at theheart behind it, states Todd. What we went through with leadership level, both professionally and personally. my mother-in-law helped power creativity in giving. We are honored to be the first to make a gift of real estate and We are so excited to provide this improved experiencewatch how it helps the greater good.for our patients, remarks Kathi Zarubi, senior vice president and chief nursing executive at HonorHealth.Thank you Kelly and Todd LaPorte for exemplifying how We are developing a comprehensive plan that includespersonal experiences can inspire transformative change. the cyclers, education for the nursing staff, policies andFor the Foundation, this story serves as an inspirational identifying key nursing units at each hospital campus forblueprint for those looking to make a meaningful impact in the development of our new standards. their communities.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 19'