b'Cindy LubinThroughout Davids extended hospital stay, Cindy became an advocate for his care, ensuring he received the best possible treatment and support and learning the complexities of medical crises along the way. Cindy and her children, Hillary and Scott also began donating during this time by subsidizing meals for staff during the pandemic as a way to show their appreciation.No one in my family is medically trained, but you watch and ask questions so you can make informed decisions along the way, offers Cindy. She highlighted the invaluable roles played by various medical professionals, from cardiologists to nurses, who dedicated themselves to Davids recovery. It was this experience and the emotional toll of caring for a sick spouse that began the formation of an idea a family fund that would help build HonorHealths new Heart Care Center as well as the cardiovascular technology required to help those patients who need critical heart care. While recovering, David and his family thought of advocacy for all patients, shining a light on their philanthropic natures.Cindy joined the Foundation Despite a long road to recovery, David made impressive progress, moving through the hard workfor the 47th Annual of rehabilitation but intertwined with gratitude for theHonor Ball in support of medical professionals who saved his life. Hence the Lubin-Lorsch Family Fund was born. cardiovascular care.Here is the thingwe had great medical care along the waybut there were hardships, states Cindy. From little things, like having no space to storeShe goes on to tell us that this investment in enhanced personal belongings when you slept there, to morepatient care was true to Davids character. ECMO machine availability or a therapy dog visit to help you through the day. I trust the professionals toDavid always made sure his family and friends were manage this fund, but I want it to help families withwell taken care of and never left a stone unturned when whatever they need along the way when navigating asomeone needed something. He was the person you challenging cardiovascular journey. could always count on to get something done and he didnt care how much time or money it would take, David eventually recovered and went home. He wasCindy remarks. His gift, leaving a legacy like this, is living a joyful life and leaving loving cards all over thejust a testament to the type of man he was. Hes still house for Cindy. It was their thingcards expressingmaking sure people are OK.their love for each othernot one but ten. On the kitchen counter. In the car visor. Tucked into drawers Their gift officer, Ashleigh Leite, couldnt agree more.One night in 2022, David experienced a fall thatA transformational gift like the Lubin-Lorsch Family resulted in what the family believes to be a slow brainFund creates a legacy of healing and hope for bleed exacerbated by the use of blood thinners. Aftercountless lives right here in the Valley, states Ashleigh four bonus years together following his recovery fromLeite, Senior Vice President of Major Gifts. the cardiac event, Davids family lost him a week later and are still mourning the absence of a man who lit upWe are honored by your trust in us and will ensure the room when he walked into it.the Lubin-Lorsch Family Fund helps pave the way for families navigating a health journey receive the care I miss having him on the dance floor with me. Helpingthey need. Thank you for your immense kindness to plan our daughters wedding. I lost my future whenin turning a personal trauma into compassion and he passed away, Cindy reflects.progress for all patients.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 15'