b'Your Philanthropy and Its ImpactThe Bob Bov Neuroscience Institute also offers specialized outpatient treatments, including rehabilitation services and support groups, infusion therapy, imaging, neuroscience clinical trials, exercise training and nutritional counseling. Recent Institute highlights include:Successful recruitment of six new neurologists to HonorHealth Neurology, and increased specialties to include neuro ophthalmology, neuro stroke, neuro psych, multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravisComprehensive Stroke Certification achieved for the Scottsdale Osborn Medical Center.New Primary Stroke Certification for Scottsdale Thompson PeakSecond annual neuroscience symposium was a success with more than 150 staff participants and diseases in the southwest. A place where the25 physician and advance practice speakersemphasis is on the highest level of neurologicalDeveloped five social worker-facilitated patient care for patients, offered in an expeditious andsupport groups that meet monthlycompassionate manner. Continued development of clinical research studies and teaching programsNeuro research: 92 active clinical trials, 12 new will further enhance this mission. studies opened in 2022, 384 patient research visits, 63 active investigators, 4 FDA approvals,Q: What is your wish list for the future here? 45 publications active in 2022My wish list for the Institute is to get support for multidisciplinary patient clinics and supportBio Skills Lab had 232 lab participants, programs that will further enhance the medicalcollaborated on the 2022 neuro symposium, and care of patients with neurological diseases. I amstarted bench testing along with multiple vendor hopeful that we can also get support for facultypartners contracts complete for 2023 labsmembers who have an interest in developingCreated a neuro patient newsletter distributed research programs which will eventuallyto 27,000 HonorHealth neuro patients in support enhance patient care. Lastly, faculty support toof growing specialtiesdevelop teaching programs can be important to further enhance the stature of the Institute.Initiated an HonorHealth Neurology lunch hour I am optimistic that through the generosity ofJournal Club that meets monthly, giving providers donors, the Bob Bov Neuroscience Institutean opportunity to share challenging casesMore than 13,000 patients were seen in the will be recognized as a premier referral centerfor patients with neurological diseases in theinfusion center, 26,000 in physical therapy, and southwestern part of the country. 20,000 in Neurology for a variety of treatmentsPhilanthropy helps fund the Institutes vital programs, services, equipment and technology. It supports optimal care and outcomes for neurological patients and their families, as well as unparalleled access to clinical trials and medical advancements.For more information please visit: HonorHealthFoundation.org or scan the QR code.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 11'