b'A Conversation withDr. Suraj Muley, Medical Director of NeurologyT he study and treatment of theAs part of our commitment to the most brain and neurological system is a complex science that requires a multidisciplinary team of experts and clinicians. This eld of study is one of thecomprehensive care, we are honored to welcome most dynamic and challenging as we continueSuraj Muley, MD, FAAN, FACP, as the Institutes new to revolutionize the understanding of theMedical Director. We sat down with him to learn human mind and its associated disease. what drew him to HonorHealth as well as his vision for the future of neurological care and treatment.Donor generosity established the BobQ: What attracted you to HonorHealthBov Neuroscience Institute, acceleratingand the Neuroscience Institute?and elevating neurological system care asI was attracted by the Institutes emphasis on well as attracting world-class talent. Theproviding excellent medical care to patients in the Neuroscience Institute is a multidisciplinaryValley and across the southwest, both at the general destination for complete and coordinatedand specialty neurology levels. Also, HonorHealth neurological care, support services andhas a culture of putting physicians at the forefront research, all in one convenient location. of their mission, which can be very empowering for Named in honor of Robert Bob Bov, a localdoctors and can bring out the best in them.business leader and generous philanthropist,Q:What has your experience been like the Neuroscience Institute offers consultationsin the short time youve been here?for the diagnosis and treatment of brain andMy experience has been satisfying so far and I spine related disorders as well as generalhave felt very supported in my mission of providing neurology services, stroke care, multipleexcellent care to patients who need my expertise sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)in an expeditious manner. I am also able to pursue treatment, back and spine interventionacademic activities like research and teaching, and management, headaches, movementalongside providing high quality medical care to disorders and more. patients in my area of expertise.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 9'