b'CANCER IS AN ENDURANCE RACEPatient Assistance Funds exist across HonorHealth and directly transform the lives of patients with nancial difculties once they leave the hospital. Gifts will help vulnerable adults with cancer, children with complex needs, individuals with disabilities, those with multiple needed in future, phone calls, etc. But HonorHealth made itchronic conditions, elderly who are frail and so many all so easy for me and guided me through it. others in need in our community.Once the preparations were made for treatment andMagdalena is happy to report she is cancer free and the surgery, the recovery time preparations began. Assurgery with reconstruction was the best choice for her. a single woman, she will tell you that you really ndShe has since resumed her active lifestyle and is a vocal out who your friends are when navigating the canceradvocate for screening and early detection, writing journey. Post-surgery restrictions limited her activity forarticles for her local papers and sharing her cancer ve weeks during the healing process and she requiredjourney through her robust social media network.assistance with daily care, such as bathing, eating,I am an athlete and I understand the right mental driving to appointments and getting around the house. attitude, she reects. Cancer is not a death sentence It was this new understanding of vulnerability that ledbut its not a sprint, it is denitely an endurance race.her to move from grateful patient to donor, focusingOnce cleared for activity, her rst trip was to Joshua her activism and resources to benet the Virginia G.Tree to hike for four days. She quickly followed that Piper Cancer Patient Assistance Fund, which offerstrip with excursions to Morocco, Portugal and Hawaii, nancial support to cancer patients in need. Grants helpenjoying her pastime as a global traveler. Next up is, I ease necessary nancial challenges such as reliablehope, Guatemala in December.transportation to appointments, post-surgery products, buying medicine and perhaps helping with everydayMagdalena openly shares that there is light at the end expenses while rehabilitating. of the cancer diagnosis. Hope and healing go together. It is so hard being in this solo and nding the right help.She also makes her gratitude known for the wrap-Thats why I now donate to HonorHealth because I knowaround care she received from HonorHealth, recently how overwhelming nding the care you need can beserving as a guest speaker at the Foundations Circle of after diagnosis and surgery, recalls Magdalena. MyDistinction gratitude event in November.own situation helped me realize thiswhat if my friendsI cried all the way home to Sedona once I learned the couldnt drive me or help take care of me? What if I didntcancer was gone and no chemotherapy was needed have savings to get the care or relief I needed? crying gratitude for friends and for the care of this team True to her nature, her generosity and action didnt stopof doctors, recalls Magdalena. This organization has there. Magdalena is donating a portion of her real estateheart. I felt so lucky and cared foreveryone left an sales back to HonorHealth Foundation through the endimpact on me.of 2023. She also joined the Legacies of Distinction donor recognition society for those who have included HonorHealth in their will or estate plan. Her legacy gift is also committed to the Virginia G. Piper Cancer PatientThank you to all our donorsAssistance Fund. who support HonorHealths Cancer Care initiatives.We are so grateful Magdalenas journey resulted in aFor more information about positive outcome, states Pat Elder, Vice President ofservices and wrap-around Planned Giving at HonorHealth Foundation. Gratefulcare at HonorHealth Cancer patients who become donors are the ultimate gold star onCare, scan the QR code or visit our care. Its the highest patient honor we can receive. HonorHealthFoundation.org.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 7'