b'TableStacy Lovell, Briefsof Contents NICU High Tea Chair,Recognized as Outstanding VolunteerOne Act. Fundraiser of the Year Exponential Impact.The Foundation team nominated Stacy Lovellfor her indomitableIf you want to help build stronger spirit and heart of generositythe HonorHealth Shea Scottsdaleand healthier communities, and the community supportedNICU to serve the tiniest patients andconsider supporting HonorHealth. what we always knewshe istheir families. Total proceeds haveYou can direct your gift to an outstanding and dedicatedwell-surpassed one million dollars! expanding care and services such philanthropist who puts her heartas the Cardiovascular Center into raising funds for the NeonatalIt is so important to me, and myof Excellence or the Nursing Intensive Care Unit at HonorHealthfamily, to show our support andExcellence Endowment, or toward Shea Scottsdale Medical Center. gratitude for the good fortune ourcommunity needs including family has experienced. As well asDesert Mission or the Military Stacy very nearly died fromto make certain that others in ourPartnership.complications while delivering hercommunity, who face the same twins prematurely. In fact, she wasdif cult challenges we did, areAs always, 100 percent of your in a coma during their birth, all whilefortunate enough to have access togift goes directly toward the a team of 17 neonatal professionalsthe same incredible resources andintended cause.delivered her babies and saved thesupport that we had. This event is soLEARN MORE lives of all three patients. near and dear to my heart becauseScan the QR code for more the NICU is a huge part of ourinformation.With the heart of a grateful mother,family! says Stacy.she turned her gratitude into action, hosting therst NICU HighThank you, Stacy, for your Tea in her home to raise neededindomitable spirit and heart for funds. Each year, the event hasall newborns and mothers across grown and this years Sixth AnnualArizona. We are grateful for your NICU High Tea raised $345,764 forsupport and friendship!2023-24 Board of TrusteesThe Foundation Board of Trustees welcomed new members and installed new of cers. We are so grateful for their service of governance.OFFICERS TRUSTEES John C. Lucking Scott SchirmerLaurie A. Florkiewicz, Chair Timothy W. Barton Frederick A. Lynn Jeffrey G. SchleinCarter Emerson, Vice Chair Paul Calderon Murray Manaster Jerre L. SteadSue Fletcher, Secretary Curt R. Feuer Alison McAdam Mary Joy SteadJames E. Graber, Treasurer E. K. Gaylord II Suzanne Morris (new) Barbara SteinerLang Herndon, InvestmentJamie Hebets (new) Shaheen Neil Sally C. TryhusCommittee Chair Howard C. Katz Michael G. Nicholas Judith G. Wolf, PhDBob Tomlinson, C. Dennis Knight Stephen J. ONeill Louise Zirretta (new)Real Estate Committee Robert J. Lavinia Nancy Harris RobertsonRodney Glassman,Sharron Lewis (new) Richard G. RussellCommittee on TrusteeshipHonorHealth Foundation Magazine 3'