b'One Mothers Story *I was getting ready for bed and the doorbell rang. Years of fear and worry for my addicted son brought on a physical reaction. I had steeled myself for this moment and it was finally heretwo officers at my door asking me to verify my sons name.Time and abuse had finally caught up with him. He overdosed but someone nearby had Narcan and knew how to administer CPR and saved his life.With a child of his own on the way, he finally found the strength to pursue recovery. I am reminded of a message from a group meeting I attended: Your substance-using loved one is not a bad person that needs to be good. He is a sick person that needs to get well.With the help of new corporate partner Casino ArizonaThrough Medically Assisted | Talking Stick Resort, and their generous philanthropy,Treatment (MAT), therapy and HonorHealth Foundation is helping to fund three12-step meetings, my son is finally new community programs that address addictiongetting well. He is a doting father and recovery: The Medication Assisted Treatmentwith a new purpose in life and has Program, Peer to Peer Recovery Support Program and abeen living clean for almost a year.Community Education Program. *Due to the personal nature of this story, names have been omitted on request.THE GROWING USE OF OPIOIDS IN SOCIETYHaving already been a leader in collaborating with the Arizona Department of Health Services to launch the Take Home Naloxone Program across all six HonorHealth Emergency departments, Dr. Norquist is now focusingIf a loved one or someone you know his work to include recognition and treatment as a way tois struggling with addictionthere is change perception and enhance recovery outcomes. healing and there is hope. Life-saving access to the overdose reversal drugIn a medical emergency, call 9-1-1. Narcan in emergency rooms, homes and organizationsOne public resource is the Opioid will hopefully allow bystanders to act when faced withAssistance and Referral Hotline at an unconscious person from overdose while awaiting1-888-688-4222.HonorHealth Foundation Magazine 15'