b'A community centered on philanthropy and kindness has the power to elevate the quality of care and understanding for those suffering with opioid and fentanyl addiction. emergency response, offers Dr. Norquist. That is one point of saving more lives, but other needs include community education on the problem and full-time support and resources for the individuals suffering from addiction to stay clean and live a healthy life.With outreach, we can change the perception of the opioid crisis facing our state because those suffering with addiction are not just on the street. As Dr. Norquist gently explains, more people are struggling with issues of despair, lack of meaning in life and anxiety. Opioids have become an escape contributing to our currentThe generous gift from Casino Arizona | crisis today affecting all levels of society andTalking Stick Resort will help us jump start our particularly males in the age range of 2544.community outreach and education programs, Realizing this allows a better understanding ofincluding Narcan use, to ght the opioid and how it impacts so many people in all of our lives. fentanyl crisis, comments Dr. Norquist. It allows INTEGRATING RECOGNITION ANDus to develop both the tools and relationships TREATMENT FOR COMMUNITY SUCCESS with clinics for follow-up care after initiating This is where the generosity of donors helps savemedications like suboxone or buprenorphine for lives. In October, which was National Substanceuse in patients in active withdrawal. We will also Abuse Prevention Month, one corporate partnerwork with community groups to leverage peer made a commitment to assist in Dr. Norquistssupport programs for those found to be in need efforts to ght addiction issues, sponsoring threeor struggling with use disorder that might not be new programs to shift strategies. While preventioncomfortable using the healthcare system.is key, the new programs focus on integratingRamon Martinez, public relations director and recognition and treatment as essential pillars tomember of the Casino Arizona | Talking Stick Resort transforming the community opioid emergencydonation committee reinforces their commitment.at hand. These programs raise awareness on the opioid issue, help treat people with opioidWe are proud to support HonorHealth use disorder get and stay sober and provideFoundations Substance Abuse Program. At Casino mentorship and peer support for real-timeArizona and Talking Stick Resort, we believe in assistance on their recovery journey. the power of giving back to our community and 16 HonorHealth Foundation Magazine'