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b'HonorHealth Foundation Pro-AmThanks to a full field and generous sponsors, the HonorHealth Foundation Pro-Am once again provided great play, great fun and great causes! We are so thankful for the support of our communityfrom registered players and professional coaches to our volunteers and sponsors. As a result, our most vulnerable patients are getting the care and social services Morning of Gold they need today and tomorrow.HONORHEALTHThe inaugural Morning of Gold was heldFOUNDATION PRO-AMon October 27, 2022, to bring support and recognition to HonorHealth Desert MissionCHAIRS |Patrick Fate, Brett Gaboury and its Food Bank, Lincoln Learning Center,PROCEEDS |$440,000Adult Day Healthcare and Living WellBENEFITING |HonorHealth Greatest programs.Needs Fund and Desert Mission This fundraising breakfast replaced theEndowmentformer Night of Gold and was the first in-person fundraising event for Desert Mission in three years. Presenting sponsor Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona was represented by Wash Covena (pictured above, right with Jared Langkilde). Proceeds well-exceeded the virtual events of the past two years and the event expanded our reach to many potential new donors. Scan the QR Code toLearn more aboutDesert Mission and watchFrans story of hope MORNING OF GOLDCHAIRS |Mallory Lebovitz, Nicole MaasPROCEEDS |$375,000BENEFITING |HonorHealth Desert Mission44HonorHealth Foundation'